Band: You me and everyone we know
Album: 'So young, so insane' EP
Genre: Pop punk
Album release: November 18th 2008
Track Listing:
1. 'I Can Get Back Up Now' (3:40)
2. 'Could It Be Sunstroke?' (2:58)
3. 'A Symptom' (2:02)
4. 'Colourful Language' (3:07)
5. 'Sometimes We Have Too Much Fun' (2:50)
6. 'Happy Birthday' (3:59)
You me and everyone we know formed in 2006 and they originate from Washington D.C.. This was their third album to be released and was done so independently. I'm unsure of whether the cover is primarily made up of computer graphics or whether it was actually a picture that the band or someone else painted and then put onto a computer programme.
The bands music genre is pop punk, as stated in my previous analysis of 'All the small things' by Blink 182, pop punk is built on a fun, rebellious, loud attitude, and the different bold, primary colours used interpret this attitude into a simple yet powerful image. It's not particularly easy to see but the red almost circular shape in the middle of the frame is made out of red, paint like handprints, as are some of the blue 'smudges' in the corners at the bottom of the cover, there is also a solid white handprint in the very centre of the composition, beneath the album title. The use of the handprints, although subtle, almost present a metaphor for the mark we leave on life, they agin also interpret the fun, youthfulness of the music on the album, and so the album cover links well to the music on the CD within.
The typography looks as if it was, and may have actually been, painted on with paint and a paint brush, this shows continuity in the image. The album name almost fills the entire frame and is the only part done in black, because of this it stands out and is reasonably easy to read above the 'messy' design underneath. The Name of the band is in the bottom left corner and is less easy to read as it is quite small and merges with the picture behind it slightly, this enhances the title of the album even more and the title itself presents the overall message of the album/music, 'So young, so insane', it sums up the bands style and the spirit of the music. By allowing the title/masthead to stand out it creates a statement and gives the audience an instant impression of the album/band which is helpful especially to those who may not be familiar with their music, the album catches their attention, gives them a visual interpretation of what to expect and may encourage them therefore to purchase it, after all, the point in an album cover is to identify and sell.
I'd like to comment on what is on the inside and on the back of the album case but unfortunately I do not own a hard copy and I can't seem to find pictures of it online. However, during my search I did come across a page dedicated to pop punk music and this album cover was put up onto the website so that fans could preview the EP cover before the release date. Beneath the picture people have commented on what they think of the artwork and it's quite interesting to see their opinions of it, it received quite a good review from everyone: